Invisible Enemy

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic back in March 2020, the virus has claimed more than 2.5 million lives globally with upwards of 113 million cases being confirmed by laboratory tests (March 2021). The pandemic has impacted almost every corner of life, causing global economies to stall, changing the way we work and interact with our loved ones, and stretching healthcare systems to the limit. 

COVID-19 vaccination is now offering a way to transition out of this phase of the pandemic. Without them, many scientists believe that natural herd immunity would not have been sufficient to restore society to its normal status quo and that it would have resulted in extreme fatality. This is something that has been echoed by many health organizations including the WHO. In a scenario without access to vaccines, strict behavioral measures may have had to remain for the foreseeable future. some question the efficacy of these vaccines, especially given the emergence of new strains of the virus. Vaccines must be effective at significantly reducing the spread of the virus for them to be successful. Research as demonstrated that the Moderna and the mRNA-based Pfizer vaccines are 94-95% effective, and these figures have proven true even in trials studying those at high risk and the elderly.

Scientist made a vaccines for us to be more safe to get covid-19. They tried their best to make this vaccines. The vaccines can help us defeat a invisible enemy, so we should trust and follow the protocols they implemented.


Sarah Moore, M.Sc. (April 30, 2021).   "The Importance of Global COVID-19 Vaccination". Retrieved on June 11, 2021. Retrieved from

Photo Credits: 

"WHO calls for $31.3B to tackle COVID-19, with $18.1B for vaccine efforts". Retrieved on June 11, 2021. Retrieved from


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