Quarter Three

In the past I had been able to manage my workload by just working longer hours or at the weekends and getting everything done. I’ve always considered myself organised and have never had real challenges managing my time. The past few months have been the first time in my life when I created a to-do list and the things that were lower on the list were not getting done later, they weren’t going to get done at all. It was a tough realisation but a useful lesson that will serve me well in my future. With everything being online and digital, ideas I get lost in translation. If I'm having any questions, I always ask questions and help from my teachers. They will be more than happy to clarify things for me, us.

For the last grading I will strive more to make my grades better. College is right around the corner for me. I realize how just how essential my knowledge of writing research papers is tied into the success I will achieve in my college classes.

Photo Credit:
"11 Time Management Tips That Work". Retrieved on June 29, 2021. Retrieved from https://www.thebalancesmb.com/time-management-tips-2947336


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